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We are the SGBF – (Sovereign Grace Baptist Fellowship) – A fellowship of Independent Baptist churches holding to the sovereign grace of God in salvation.

“On God’s Sovereignty even in Faith and Repentance: A sinner can no more repent and believe without the Holy Spirit’s aid than he can create a world.”  –C. H. Spurgeon

2025 Annual Meeting

September 8th – 10th 2025

Host Church: Dominion Baptist Church

2333 Valleydale Road

Birmingham, Alabama 35244

For further information contact Mark Liddle – 205 587 0925 markaliddle@yahoo.com

Invite A Pastor friend to Come

Monday Sept. 8

7:00PM – Sermon (Bro. James Downing of Grace Fellowship Baptist Church, Springfield LA)
8:00PM – Prayer Meeting

Tuesday, Sept. 9

9:00AM – Sermon (Bro. Sam Smith of Middletown Road Baptist Church, Pittsburg, PA)
10:00AM – Church Reports and Prayer
12:30PM – Lunch
1:45PM – Business Meeting
5:00PM – Dinner
7:00PM – Chairman’s Report and Introduction of Officers
8:00PM – Sermon (Bro. James Anderson of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Hornell, NY)

Wednesday, Sept. 10

7:30-8:30 Breakfast served {OMO} Omelets made to order
9:00AM – Missionary Business, Reports and Prayer
12:00PM – Dismissal

Lunch leftovers and “To Go” Bags

The Pressing Need

“And when they were come to Jerusalem, they were received of the church, and of the apostles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them.“ (Acts 15:4)

Thus began the first great convocation of the ministers of the Gospel, representing their various churches, at Jerusalem, the first church, in the days of the New Testament. Continued...»

A Necessary Cause

When David was reproached by his eldest brother because he had made himself bold to defend Israel in the cause of the giant, Goliath, and his defiance against the armies of God, he defended his actions by a penetrating question, ”Is there not a cause?” (I Samuel 17:29).

So it seems to be in our day. Continued...»

True Unity:: Our Aim

The Lord Jesus prayed that his disciples “all may be one, as you, Father, are in me, and I in you; that they also may be one in us, that the world may believe that you sent me.” The petition Jesus makes, as stated in this verse, is for unity. What kind of unity is this? The kind of unity that should exist among the saints is the kind of unity that exists in the Godhead. Continued...»
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